Hope in Action
After Babel, a New Common Language Emerges

After Babel, a New Common Language Emerges

In our special report this week, Winston Mwale tells the story of how Malawi has been losing out millions of dollars because of a poor taxation framework and lack of bargaining power with international investors, especially in the extractive industry.

However, as Winston explains in this report, after years of Babel-like talk on the extractive industry, a new common language is slowly emerging with plans to reform the extractive industry.

Will these reforms materialize?

Insert| special report

………..reading that special report by Winston Mwale, written as part of Wealth of Nations, a pan-African media skills development programme run by the Thomson Reuters Foundation in partnership with the African Centre for Media Excellence. More information at

(The report was first published in May 2018)

Hope in Action
Hope in Action Podcast is a new initiative by AfricaBrief, aimed at highlighting the positive efforts of individuals and groups in addressing challenges in Malawi.
The podcast will be based on the principles of solutions journalism, focusing on solutions and best practices, rather than just problems and challenges.