This is really a total injustice that needs to be exposed to the world. Thank you for informing us about it.

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It really breaks my heart! The world needs to speak up!

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People have become desensitized more now than ever before! I’m shocked to see and hear a country such as Korea have gone to an all time low! Rather unite than divide, rather have peace and love than war and hate. Justice will prevail.

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This is absolutely unfair and unjust. The Korean government should be held responsible for this injustice. Thank you for bringing this issue to light.

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Nowhere in the world are 90 year old people arrested upon further investigation if there aren't any proof. When will this corruption and utter violation of human rights end? How do you justify imprisoning a peace advocate that has been travelling the world promoting peace and unification, without any charge or evidence? This is disgraceful! Thank you for this article, making it known to the world

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This is not right,Korean government should stop listening the lies of cck.these people fight shincheonji seriously.

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This is unjust to arrest someone and blame them for the COVID-19 outbreak. We must work together to solve this problem together. I hope that these charges against Mr. Man Hee Lee can be dropped and that we treat all religious minorities equally.

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Thank you for sharing this article, the world must come to know the injustices that are happening in South Korea. This time calls for unity and working together to end this pandemic, violating the rights of people that belong to a certain religion is a shameful approach.

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Am really wondering why this is happening to only Chairman Mr.Man Hee Lee.A world Peace Advocate who is working tirelessly in his old age to create peace among human race.

Covid 19 came from Wuhan China,but not South Korea.And it is affecting the globe.Not only South Korea

If the Gov't of South Korea tries to know what they are doing,am sure it is a right time to repent for this act.

Not to man,but to God the creator

A sound of peace is heard from South Korea,and again persecuting the Advocate.This is unfair

Please,Gov't of South Korea,flee Mr. Manhee Lee

The solution to Covid 19 pandemic is to work hand in hand to find a solution for this

Thank you

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I really condemn this. We need cure not imprisonig people. If he was the one who invented it then would be right but all started in china yet you charge the one taking part in stopping the pandemic.

Do you want to say that other denominations were not affected? Then why would you pin one denomination?

The law makers of South Korea are really giving out an image that wouldn't be expected from such a developed country

#Free the Chairman #Free Shincheonji denomination

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Wow! These are pure acts of injustice from the South Korean Government. How can one religious organization be blamed for the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country? These accusations are atrocious. Peace is what the world needs now, not war!

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At the end of the day, someone somewhere, the advocate of justice, He who watches over the world and takes note of how his servants are being illtreated shall stand to fight for the innocent. Wishing you knew what you are doing. But only God to forgive you. The power is not in our hands, only God can avenge. All in all, we shall still cooperate and do what is right. The pandemic is affecting everyone. If you are only blaming the scj for Corona virus, then why is it affecting almost every country yet it is located in south Korea? Please release the chairman. Allow God's servants who are working wholeheartedly to have their rights of religion.

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Please, the govt of S.Korea why dont u stop persecuting the man of God. He is not the one who caused Covid 19. And his also trying hard to cooperative with you to find the medicine to this virus. But y blame him all the time. THIS is so unfaith. PLEASE STOP. Such an Old man , who has done alot for his country and the whole world at large to restore world peace, through HWPL, and now your repaying him by arresting him. WHY. PLEASE reconsider and let him free because his innocent.

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This is so unfair how can they blame an organization for the outbreak of COVID-19 and this is definitely the violation of human rights

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Atrocious events these are. The world cannot sit back and watch. Lets unite and fight for justice, please.

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We need to unite as one and fight for justice

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How can 1 church be blamed for a world pandemic.This is pure injustice against against the minority.

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It’s ironic how there were 30 patients before patient 31. This sounds like some form of scapegoating

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It is not fair that they are blaming Schincheonji whereby China wasn't blamed by other nations, yet they are the root of all this pandemic! Like really blaming a CHURCH? I am failing to understand all these accusations.

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Wether Shincheonji is a minority religious group or not, this is a gross violation of human rights.

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