Zimbabwean Villagers See Hunting as Key to Coexistence with Wildlife
Despite these challenges, villagers in Hwange District express a deep appreciation for elephants and other potentially dangerous animals like buffaloes and lions.

Hwange, Zimbabwe – International hunting revenue is providing essential socio-economic development and conservation support in the Hwange District of Zimbabwe, writes Emmanuel Koro.
Despite the challenges created by the increasing elephant population, villagers are grateful for the benefits they receive from international hunting, seeing it as an important factor in peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife.
Hwange National Park boasts the second-largest elephant population in a single national park, with approximately 45,000 elephants.
This abundance of elephants, while impressive, has strained the park's resources, leading to shortages of food and water for these large animals.
Consequently, elephants venture beyond the park's boundaries in search of sustenance, often encountering local communities.
While villagers acknowledge the inherent value of these animals, these encounters can turn volatile, leading to human injuries and even fatalities.
Despite these challenges, villagers in Hwange District express a deep appreciation for elephants and other potentially dangerous animals like buffaloes and lions.
This gratitude stems from the tangible benefits they receive through international hunting revenue.
This revenue is instrumental in employing community game scouts, and providing jobs for local men and women while simultaneously bolstering anti-poaching efforts.
Furthermore, the revenue is channelled towards funding essential community projects such as the construction of schools and clinics, the development of roads and bridges, the purchase of medicine, and the implementation of irrigation technology for crop production.
Londozi Shoko, a resident of Lukosi Village, highlighted the socio-economic significance of wildlife, particularly elephant hunting, stating, “This wildlife, especially elephant hunting, helps us maintain the community socio-economically... The revenue from elephants and other wildlife hunting enables us to build schools and clinics, thereby supporting the welfare of our people.”
Echoing these sentiments, Costantino Dube, another resident of Lukosi Village, emphasized the widespread benefits of international hunting revenue, stating, “International hunting revenue benefits everyone in the hunting communities of Zimbabwe, especially in the southern part, including Hwange District villages like Lukosi.”
Dube elaborated on the potential of international hunting revenue to support agricultural initiatives, stating, “International hunting revenue can also support crop production by funding irrigation technology... But we see no future without the benefits of international hunting. “Zero wildlife benefits will lead villagers to poach, especially the troublesome elephants, as they become an absolute nuisance if we no longer benefit from them.”
Addressing those who advocate against international hunting, Dube issued a challenge, urging them to consider accommodating Hwange's elephants in their own countries, stating, “We will not find value in elephants if international hunting is banned.”
He emphasized that it is unfair to expect Hwange District communities to shoulder the burdens of coexisting with wildlife, especially destructive elephants, without reaping any benefits.
Dube directly addressed international hunting opponents, stating, “We have plenty of elephants to support our development... Come visit Hwange National Park and observe the number of elephants we have in this area, we have a lot of them... It’s unfair for Western countries to dictate how we manage our wildlife, yet we haven’t even told them how to use their oil which damages the environment.”
The sentiments expressed by villagers in Hwange District underscore their pragmatic view of wildlife conservation.
They see international hunting as a vital tool for generating revenue that directly benefits their communities and fosters a more harmonious relationship with the wildlife they share their land with.