Winners of NPC ‘My Future, Our Future Youth Essay and Arts Competition’ Announced
The competition targeted school-going young Malawians aged 10 to 25

The National Planning Commission (NPC) is pleased to announce names of winners in the ‘My Future, Our Future Youth Essay and Arts Competition’ which was held from 25th May to 19th June 2020.
The competition was meaant to offer young Malawians a special opportunity to contribute their ideas towards the development of the National Transformation 2063, the envisioned successor to Vision 2020.
NPC collaborated with its Youth Core Advisory Panel (Youth CAP), the National Youth Council of Malawi, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, the USAID-Funded Health Policy Plus (HP+) and Seed-Co in running the competition which received overwhelming response from youths in all parts of the country.
The competition targeted school-going young Malawians aged 10 to 25 who were invited through radio, TV, newspapers and social media to submit entries in four different categories of 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Tertiary and 4. Artistic drawings.
Three winners from each of the categories have now been identified following rigorous assessment, which involved primary and secondary school teachers, college lecturers, Youth CAP representatives, Zaluso Arts Group, journalists as well as officials from NPC and representatives from all the sponsors.

NPC and its partners congratulate the winners and all those who submitted entries for their patriotism and creative writing and drawing skills as demonstrated through the high quality of essays and artistic sketches received, which gave tough time to assessors in coming up with the winners.
Also worth noting is that out of the four top winners, three are female and that from all the 12 winners and runners up, six are female.
Hats off in a special way to the girls who have demonstrated girl power through this competition.
All the winners and their runners up have already been informed – either directly for adults or through their parents or guardians for minors – of this development, including getting their consent on this press release and will soon be contacted again as to when and how prizes will be presented to them.