Who’s behind #AfricaBrief
Editor-in-Chief of AfricaBrief is Winston Mwale, a Malawian journalist who loves telling stories, listening to stories and being in the middle of stories.

All the articles, news, reports, and other published content are produced by the AfricaBrief editorial team backed by our research team made up of people like you: freelance writers.
Editor-in-Chief of AfricaBrief is Winston Mwale, a Malawian journalist who loves telling stories, listening to stories and being in the middle of stories.

During his action-packed career that spans more than 10 years, Winston has interviewed dozens of prominent figures, including CEOs, ministers and those considered “ordinary” by society.
Winston is a lecturer in Journalism and Mass Communication and professional journalist, and his career spans many countries, including reporting live from Brussels during the EU-Africa Leaders’ Summit in 2014, covering the tourism industry in South Africa, being in Naivasha, Kenya, covering a training of journalists on anti-smoking, and covering the annual Chewa Kulamba Ceremony in Zambia.
Trained in human rights reporting by the Canada-based Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) and in investigative journalism by Reuters Thomson Foundation during the Wealth of Nations Programme, Winston now specializes in investigative, solution journalism, including training intermediate journalism and writing.
To date, Winston holds over five National Media Institute for Southern Africa-Malawi Chapter media awards, including the 2015 SADC Radio Journalist of the Year Award, and the 2018 Southern African Media Award in Social Accountability Reporting.
Feel free to reach out to Winston via WhatsApp: +265991500730.