Locals in Sub Traditional Authority Yohane Jere in Mzimba join hands in renovating Mhocho Bridge
As rains are fast approaching, people in the area of Sub Traditional Authority Yohane Jere in Mzimba district have joined hands in renovating Mhocho Bridge in the area.
As rains are fast approaching, people in the area of Sub Traditional Authority Yohane Jere in Mzimba district have joined hands in renovating Mhocho Bridge in the area.
The community members have done this because the river often floods and makes it impossible for children to pass as they are going to schools and even when the people are trying to get to the trading center to do their businesses.
The community councilor, Morgan Tembo, brought up the decision of renovating the bridge because of the concerns from the people.
He asked the community leaders to come together and contribute to the development of the community.
“As one of the people living in this community, I thought it wise that I should ask for support from the constituency development fund to deal with the concerns that my people have," says Tembo.
The community chiefs, together with the sub traditional authority Yohane Jere, say they are willing to work hand in hand with the government because it would help them a lot.
“We have had a lot of problems during rainy seasons because people can’t cross to do their businesses across the river and also school children do not go to school due to the impassable flooded river which also makes it difficult for the ambulance to pass as well," says Chief Jere.
The community has welcomed the initiative, saying that this will help them a lot as their kids will no longer drop out of school and they will be able to do their businesses.
The contractor has been identified and construction of the bridge is underway.