Local Photographers Say Nature Photography Can Boost Malawi Tourism
The workshop, organised by Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, aimed to provide technical expertise on using photography to tell inspiring wildlife stories.
LILONGWE, Malawi - Local photographers and bloggers say embracing wildlife photography can help advance Malawi's tourism industry and advocate for environmental conservation, according to quotes obtained at a photography workshop on Sunday, writes Abraham Bisayi.
The workshop, organised by Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, aimed to provide technical expertise on using photography to tell inspiring wildlife stories.
"As a country, there is a need to embrace the power of local wildlife photographers," said Austin Madinga, a Malawi tourism blogger.
Madinga said locals have first-hand wildlife experience and knowledge of tourist attractions that can generate revenue if given opportunities to promote tourism.
Street photographer Kondwani Jere highlighted the high cost of equipment as a barrier for many local Malawians to engage in nature photography.
"The industry requires more Malawians telling their own stories and standing for wildlife, but we are failing to fill the gap due to equipment expenses," Jere said.
Samantha Nampuntha of Lilongwe Wildlife Centre said the organisation is trying new events to attract more eco-friendly visitors and get them closer to nature through photos.
The workshop was attended by members of the Association of Environmental Journalists, freelance photographers, and bloggers.