We therefore, call the general public and concerned online media platforms to desist from sharing such suicide content, because, it has potential to cause more harm, including copycat suicide.
We, Connect Plus Resource Institute (CPRI), a local social enterprise organization dedicated to provide mental health and wellness services and solutions in the country, are deeply concerned with the continued tendency by some pockets of the general public, and in some instances some online media platforms, to share suicide images, suicide notes and/or suicide details including method used during a suicide or suicide attempt.
These are especially shared via social media.
We therefore, call the general public and concerned online media platforms to desist from sharing such suicide content, because, it has potential to cause more harm, including copycat suicide.
This tendency, is also counterproductive to efforts aimed at preventing the prevalence of suicide in the country, as it encourages the spirit of silence and a barrier to help seeking behaviour due to the related stigma and stigmatization of the suicide victims and their families.
Regardless of our own beliefs on suicide, we need to treat the victims of suicide and their families with dignity and respect. Bear in mind that suicide is a complex public health issue, and there is no one single explanation as to why someone ends up taking their own life. It is therefore, unhelpful to simplify the cause of an individual’s suicide or judge their action thereto.
We thus, encourage the general public to immediately delete and NOT share any such content whenever it comes your way, and let the sender know the impact of sharing such content. We invite and ask group administrators on various social media platforms to exercise restraint, and promote safe and healthy sharing of information as the groups exercise their freedom of speech and press. We, believe the group administrators and their membership have a responsibility to make the group platforms safe for everyone.
What you can do when you are concerned about yourself, or you see someone posts about taking their own life:
If you think that you or someone else is at a risk of suicide or needs to talk to someone, reach out to them to provide them support, or reach out for help immediately, contact any of the following numbers:
Emergency services: call tollfree line 118
Chipatala Cha Pa Foni: call tollfree line 929
YONECO Helplines: call tollfree line116 or 5600
Connect Plus Resource Institute (CPRI): call or text 0996-225-671 or 0998-178-150
St. John of God: call 0992-460-254 (8:00am-4:00pm) or visit in person in Area 43
Or *visit the nearest district hospital and consult a mental health officer or a doctor*
What you can do when you receive inappropriate suicide content (images, notes, details):
If you receive inappropriate suicide content (images, notes, details), delete immediately to cut the thread, you can help save a life! Also, contact Connect Plus Resource Institute (CPRI) for further response at 0996-225-671.
We, invite everyone to join hands in an effort to prevent suicide in our communities and country, in our small ways. It begins with each one of us by choosing and committing to responsible sharing of information and communication on and off social media.
If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Signed on this 14th day of September, 2021
N. Dennis Mwafulirwa
Chief Executive Officer
+265-996-225-671 or mwafulirwa@outlook.com